sábado, 23 de agosto de 2008

Urbano e Holístico

"Some observers claim that the urban environment is primarily a place for people, and hence biodiversity assessments in urban environments should only reflect biodiversity as perceived by people. While the rationale behind such a statement is doubtful (it is argued elsewhere in this thesis that other species are not only abundant but also necessary and seamlessly integrated in the urban environments), it nevertheless adds another dimension to the motives for urban biodiversity planning.

It should be stressed that the links to urban planning implied in this thesis are merely conceptual. It is not the intention of this thesis to suggest concrete ideas or techniques for planning theory or planning practice, although planners have sometimes been consulted and even participated marginally in some preparatory focus groups and in the continuous discourse within the research programme. However, dealing with urban biodiversity inevitably leads to planning considerations, although in this case only as theoretical constructions. Sometimes techniques are suggested as suitable in a planning situation, but only in the most general terms. Further tests and studies are needed and should be made before the required planning tools have been created. The discussion below merely point out a few possible directions to take and a few pitfalls to avoid.

Biodiversity has sometimes been subjected to extensive publicity, which could seem like a good thing, but there are drawbacks with too much exposure. Like other ‘fashions’, it may simply become ‘unfashionable’ and disappear from the agenda as quickly as it appeared, particularly if there are forces reacting against the ‘fashion’ and even striving to oppose green initiatives. Urban planning in bigcities may be particularly sensitive to urbanity ideals, compact cities and other trends that tend to reduce green open space, and thus biodiversity (cf. Rådberg, 1997).

Another possibly adverse effect of biodiversity as ‘fashion’ is uniformity, e.g. exemplified by the use of standard seed mixes for meadow establishment etc. This could have the extreme effect of increasing species numbers locally, while decreasing them regionally. While this risk may seem far-fetched, there is definitely the risk that standard procedures to increase biodiversity sometimes are unnecessary or at least disproportionately expensive. There is a parallel in the costs for establishing movement corridors which, according to Simberloff et al (1992), sometimes are not justifiable in comparison with their benefit." Gyllin, 2004.


Clarificando a análise holística ambiental.

Des envolvimento

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